ISSN (0970-2083)

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Zhao Cai*

Department of Biotechnology, North China University of Science and Technology, Hebei, China 

*Corresponding Author:
Zhao Cai
Department of Biotechnology,
North China University of Science and Technology,

Received: 26-Apr-2022, Manuscript No. ICP-22-58172; Editor assigned: 01-May-2022, PreQC No. ICP22- 58172 (PQ); Reviewed: 15-May-2022, QC No. ICP-22-58172; Revised: 21-May-2022, Manuscript No. ICP22-58172(A); Published: 31-May-2022 DOI: 10.4172/ 0970-2083.001

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Soil pollution has evolved into an important issue that must be handled in order to have a healthy environment. Multiple processes enable the earth's crusts to weather, resulting in the formation of soil that refers to a process. A large portion of bacterial biodiversity, and other microscopic and macroscopic living organisms, resides in the soil.

The presence of toxic compounds (human-made) chemicals or other changes in the natural soil environment creates soil contamination, soil pollution, or soil contamination as part of land degradation. Industrial activity, agricultural chemicals, and incorrect waste disposal are by far the most common causes. Petroleum hydrocarbons, polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (such as naphthalene and benzopyrene), detergents, pesticides, lead, and other heavy metals are the most common chemicals implicated. Contamination is related to the level of industrialization and the number of chemical compounds present. The primary source of concern regarding soil pollution is health risks, which can arise from direct contact with contaminated soil, vapour from contaminants, or secondary contaminating the water supplies within and beneath the soil. Environmental Pollutants requires expertise in geology, hydrology, chemistry, computer simulations, and GIS in Environmental Contamination, as well as an understanding of the history of industrial chemistry. Mapping contaminated soil sites and the cleanups that obey are time-consuming and expensive tasks that require expertise in geology, hydrology, chemistry, computer modelling, and GIS in Environmental Contamination, as well as an admiration of the history of industrial chemistry.

Soil pollution is defined as anything else that pollutes soil and lowers its quality. It happens when the pollutants that cause pollution degrade the soil's quality and make it inhospitable for microorganisms and macro creatures that live there. Soil contamination or contamination can happen as a result of either human activity or natural processes. However, it is primarily due to human activity. Pesticides, herbicides, ammonia, compounds, lead, nitrogen, mercury, naphthalene, and other chemicals in excessive amounts can cause soil pollution.

A major reason for soil pollution is a lack of media awareness. As a result of a variety of human activities, such as the overuse of pesticides, the soil will become less fertile. Furthermore, the presence of excess chemicals will raise either alkalinity or acidity, decreasing soil quality. Soil pollution is referred to as soil erosion.

• Correct farming procedures are used.

• Waste should indeed be recycled before it is disposed of, and products should berecycled and repurposed.

• Bio fertilizers and pesticides are used instead of chemical fertilizers and pesticides.

• Education and awareness inside the community, Get the Community Involved

• Maintenance of the drainage system, as well as proper disposal of home and industrialwaste

• It is good to promote reforestation and afforestation.

• Afforestation is the procedure of planting additional trees and plants. Plants live becausewe live. All living creatures will perish if the plants die. As a result, anytime trees are cutdown, new trees should be planted in their place. The most effective way to preserveland is to plant trees in hilly places.

The improper handling of toxic waste from various kinds of companies can contaminate the land. The disposal of industrial waste, heavy metals, harmful chemicals, dumping oil and fuel, as well as other human activities, has resulted in soil acidity and contamination. Soil contamination is caused by the improper disposal of plastic waste, cans, as well as other solid waste. The presence of harmful substances in the disposal of electrical items such as batteries has a negative impact on the soil. Lithium, for example, found in batteries, can cause soil leaching.

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