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M. Vasanthy* and M. Jeganathan

P.G. and Research Dept. of Environmental Sciences, Govt. Arts College, Ariyalur 621 713, India

*Corresponding Author:
M. vasanthy
P.G. and Research Dept. of Environmental Sciences, Govt. Arts College, Ariyalur 621 713, India
E-mail: vasanthy

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Ariyalur, the land of fossils, is found to be embedded with rich limestone deposits. Hence around nine cement factories have been established in and around Ariyalur. This becomes one of the source of air pollution in this area. The high value of NOX were recorded in the present study at the vellalar Street during day time i.e., 111 μg/m3 and during night time it was 103 μg/m3. Lowest mean value of NOX values has been recorded in Anna nagar during day time i.e., and in night time i.e., 15 μg/m3

Key words

Ambient air quality, Nitrogen di oxide, Meterological parametrs


Air pollution seriously damages material resources of the cities, such as building and various works of arts, vegetation and corrosion of materials. It is broadly due to particulate matter dispersed in it or gaseous pollutants completely miscible with it in all proportion.

Dusts - (l-100 μ)

Aerosols - (< 1μ.)

Smoke - (0.01-1(1μ)

Fumes, mists, fog, smog all contribute to particulate matter. Gaseous pollutants such as- SO2, Nox, CO2 etc.,

Materials and methods

Meterological Parameters


March to June is the summer season in which the daily maximum temperature is 39.5° to 42.80°. Onset of monsoon brings relief to the region. During the north east monsoon between October and December the mean daily maximum temperature varies from 33.3° to 36.7° C. The Coolest month is December, January and February when the minimum temperature drops to 15.6°C.


The relative humidity varies from 20 to 78% in summer and from 40 to 97% in the monsoon months. The area is dry during greater part of the year. Humidity is high during the north east monsoon period of October, November and December.

Wind Velocity & Wind direction

Wind velocity varies from 10 km/hr . A maximum velocity of 129 Km/hr was recorded during the cyclone of May 1995. cyclone weather is encountered almost every year during the north east monsoon period (NEERI, 1991)

Measurement of NOX

The survey included five sites selected according to the location of mining, non mining and residential sources which include (1) College campus (2) Anna nagar (3) Maruthi nagar (4) Railway gate (5) vellalar Street. Hence, it was possible to use the High volume gas sampler for gaseous sampling simultaneously. The gaseous sampling kit (available as an attachment) it connected to nozzle in the hopper. The air is bubbled through standard solutions in the impingers, at a flow rate of 0.5 to 1 LPM for destined duration. The range of analysis is 0.01 to 1.5 μg Nitrogen di oxide/mL., with 30mL absorbing reagent

Results and Discussion

The meterological parameters are shown in Table 2. The temperature has shown not much variation as the period of study happens to be January to March . High humidity recorded was about 74% and the minimum being about 39%. The wind velocity ranged about 42 km/hr both during the morning similar results have been reported for day and night hours.


Table 1: Ambient air quality Indian standard (micro gram /m3) (CPCB, Govt. of India)


Table 2: Micrometerological parameters in study area

Nox reacts with the atmospheric hydrocarbons in the presence of Sunlight, hence its concentration is low during the afternoon hours; it is also stated that Ozone concentration is high during this period which however, cannot be substantiated by the present study, as Ozone was not estimated.

The highest values of NOX recorded in the study were at the Vellalar street during day time i.e., 111 μg/m3 and during night time i.e., 103 μg/m3. Low means of NOX Values as been recorded in the Anna nagar during Day time i.e., 22 μg/m3 and in night time i.e., 15 μg/m3 (Table 3; Fig. l).


Table 3: Summary of NOX level in around Ariyalur during Feb’2006


Figure 1: NOX levels in and around Ariyalur during February 2006.

During the period of air sampling i.e., Feb 2006 levels of NOX during day time & night time, were higher than the standard prescribed by CPCB. Out of the sampling stations Anna nagar has recorded lesser NOX values during the day and night time. NOX Levels in the Maruthi Nagar and Railway gate were slightly higher than the standard during the day time. But other wise in the sampling station college campus which are located centre of sampling sites.

Though the wind during the period of estimation was pre dominantly form north east, the dispersal of pollutants namely NOX was very higher in the sampling stations located at the east west and north direction with respect to the Anna nagar and the NOX level was lesser only in the sampling station located in the northern direction. Similar results has been reported by Sharma et al. 1995


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