ISSN (0970-2083)
Fly Ash As A Potential Source Of Soil Amendment In Agriculture And A Component Of Integrated Plant Nutrient Supply System
The present study investigates the effect of fly ash amended soil on the growth and photosynthetic pigment content of Capsicum annuum. A pot culture experiment comprising four treatments such as 5%, 10%, 15% and 20% were carried out with a control pot. The different photosynthetic pigments like chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, total chlorophyll, carotenoid and physical parameters like total length of plant, root length and shoot length were studied on different experimental days, i.e. 10th day, 20th day, 30th day, 40th day, 50th day and 60th day. The different physico-chemical characteristics of soil before and after the experiment were analyzed. Photosynthetic pigments like chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, total chlorophyll and carotenoid were found to be highest in 5% fly ash amended soil on 40th days of growth followed by a decline trend. One way ANOVA test for those pigments between different days of growth and also within different fly ash amendment soils showed a significant difference (P < 0.05). Further, the physical parameters like root length, shoot length and total length of the plant were studied on each experimental days. One way ANOVA test for those parameters between different days of growth and also within different fly ash amendment soils were not found to be significant. The change in soil physico-chemical parameter such as pH, conductivity (µs/cm), moisture content (%), OC (g%), OM (g%), N (mg/kg), P (mg/kg), Cu (mg/kg), Zn (mg/kg), Fe (mg/kg), Cr (mg/kg) were also analyzed from each culture pot after the end of the experiment. It was observed that except N, P, K all other parameter have increased with increase in fly ash amendment.
Aditya Kishore Dash, Abanti Pradhan, Somen Das And Shakti Sourav Mohanty
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