ISSN (0970-2083)

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Research Article Open Access

Noise Pollution and Control


Due to heavy urbanization, industrilisation, population explosion and thereby deforestation , ambient noise has increased to intolerable level in most of the places. Therefore it has been immensely felt to monitor the noise intensity, its various parameters and quality to reduce it within permissible levels and further to meet the international standard. Through this paper while using :Real time sound analyzer”, a sincere effort has been made to understand the basic causes and features of noise to study its impact on human beings and community as a whole. The noise level data in terms f SPL, Leq, SEL, Ln, Dose, frequency and time weighting average has been computed to statistically calculate the noise effect in real time and actual sense. It is found that noise level data observes a normal distribution curve in residential area of Chandigarh and it will help us to develop appropriate mathematical model. In this paper various recommendation and suitable control have been suggested to reduce the impact of noise on human beings. At the end, a conclusion has been derived to standardize the noise monitoring procedures to cope up with international OSHA standard and threshold levels values (TLVS) of noise.

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Mahipal and Basudeo Prasad

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