ISSN (0970-2083)

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Review Article Open Access

Sustainable Electronic Solid Waste Management: A Case of Uganda


With growing civilization and the widespread advancement of information technology, electronic waste (e-waste) management has become a significant concern globally. E-waste is generated in large quantities globally and Uganda is not spared. There is an increase in the importation of electronic goods and the implementation of information and communication technologies. Due to the lack of enough infrastructure to manage e-waste, alarming volumes of e-waste have been accumulated in the environment leading to the release of toxic hazardous substances that contaminate the environment and threaten human health. On the contrary, e-waste provides opportunities if handled well such as the recovery of precious metals for reuse and employment opportunities for the handlers thus improving their livelihoods. A literature review is conducted to identify the key drivers to sustainable development management of e-waste. Additionally, the review provides sustainable practices for managing e-waste such as reduction, repurposing, refurbishment, remanufacturing, repair, recovery, reuse and recycling. Several factors from environmental, social and economic aspects are key drivers that contribute to the sustainable management of e-waste. E-waste management is still a huge challenge in uganda and the need for strategies and a clear action plan is key for appropriate management of e-waste. The review underscores the need for a converted approach involving the government, industries and communities to tackle these challenges and affect the adoption of effective e-waste sustainable management practices. Overall, this review suggests a comprehensive overview of e-waste management in Uganda and mentions the importance of adopting sustainable practices to address the rising volumes of e-waste.


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